Travel is a very good self improvement method. Travel is also a unique stimulus for cognitive abilities, as well as a good supplement for brain health. The effect is produced due to the new situations and experiences that travelers are exposed to and the activities that set their brain’s “wheels”, from the discovery and the need to deal in an unfamiliar environment, to reading maps or visiting cultural sights. . “Travel is a good medicine. Because it causes the brain with new and different experiences and environments, it is an important behavior that supports the health of the brain and builds its resistance throughout life, “said neurologist Dr. Paul D. Nussbaum of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. , quoted in the GCA report.
Vey important travel trend , according to Round PlayGround, in 2019, something that change the way people travel: Politics: From the U.S. government shutdown and border drama to Brexit and global trade wars, political battles around the world will affect potential travel plans in new and different ways. Fortunately, there are opportunities for the private industry and DMOs to rise above politics in service of their customers and the greater good.
Surveys say that 4 in 10 people feel more romantic on the trip and almost a third of them admit they have more sex. More than half of those interviewed agree that they feel closer to their family after traveling with them. 52% of people say they feel more rested and relaxed after returning from leave and anticipating the trip creates an increase in positive feelings about life as a whole, family, economic situation and health. Those who travel report a higher level of life satisfaction during departures, and these effects continue long after returning home. Read extra details at Round PlayGround.
Helps you find a purpose in life: The more you travel, the more you know more people, see more cultures and experience different lifestyles of your own. With all this news in your life, you will have other opportunities and open your horizons, which most often gives people a purpose in life. If you fail to figure out what you want to do in your life, what career path you choose and what you are headed for, then travel more and you will be surprised by what you discover.
From the solar eclipse craze of 2017 to the media coverage of the most recent Mars landing to our collective fascination with companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin, we are increasingly looking beyond our atmosphere to find future destinations. But while galactic space flight might be a stretch in 2019, that isn’t holding intrepid travelers back from looking to the stars for their next trip. [New Mars lander safely touches down. What happens now?] To celebrate how far we’ve come, many will head to Houston this July for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing and the opening of the Apollo Mission Center, a National Historic Landmark that will feature programs and exhibitions throughout the month celebrating the monumental effort that took us to the moon.
Eastern European and Scandinavian countries have become increasingly popular over the last year, with more unique places like Finland, Slovenia and Russia being booked by travellers. With the Northern Lights, imperial palaces, medieval castles and some of the world’s most charming cities as major drawcards, it’s no wonder these destinations are at the top of people’s lists. On the Best of Finland Russia and the Baltic States, join Anatolij and his family on their Belarus farmstead for an exclusive Be My Guest dinner, with rousing accordion choruses and a few (or many!) shots of vodka. It’s these unique cultures and lesser-known experiences that we predict will attract more visitors to Europe’s highly underrated countries. Source: Round PlayGround https://theroundplayground.com/.