Hunting advices and the top hunting outfitters in Texas? Overheated bucks may well hang back a little farther into the woods until dark. In that case, you need to push in a bit and set up in staging area off the food source. In many cases, this means setting up fairly tight to a buck’s bedding area (without invading it or spooking the buck), which makes an unobtrusive approach critical. If you’re hunting near a water source, as you should be, use a stream bed as your entry and exit trail or paddle a canoe across a lake or pond instead of bungling in to your stand from the uplands.
Deer Behavior: Across much of whitetail range, November is all about the rut. Where firearm hunting begins, deer take refuge in dense or secluded cover and reduce their daytime activity. Hotspots: Go to water sources now because bucks need to consistently rehydrate when the chasing phase of the rut starts. You can also count on bucks to show up at doe bedding areas, such as low brushy places. And zero in on security cover. That means dense, distant, or overlooked spots. Once peak breeding arrives, bucks force estrous does into such cover, and when firearm season opens, this is where the big ones escape from pressure.
We had a great time this past weekend. The owner and his family are hard working, salt of the earth people, who want their customers to leave happy. They treat you like a friend instead of a client. The cabins were clean and comfortable, and the ranch is covered with game. We saw deer, turkey and hogs every day. I would definitely recommend B4 Hunting Adventures for your next hunt. Find extra info at https://www.b4huntingadventures.com/hunts.
Tyler Porter, Ken-Tenn Hunting Outfitters: In Kentucky, scouting in August means a lot of glassing and watching fields. It’s key to know where deer are entering fields and what types of deer—bucks or does—are using that field. I also look at the bean plants themselves. Often, in parts of the field, the beans have been eaten down to nothing. That tells me deer are using that area most. It might be a good spot to hang a stand or an area to observe further at a respectable distance. Kentucky’s season starts the first Saturday in September, so our pre-season scouting is critical to our September velvet hunts. In the two or three weeks leading up to the opener, we back off the farms as much as possible and put little to no pressure on deer, except to fill up feeders.
The B4 Ranch is still operating within the original family and is full of interesting family history. This old bus is a random piece of history on this family ranch. As the story goes, in previous generations this was used as shelter to wait out the Wild West Texas storms. There was no way to escape hail storms if you were deep into the ranch on horseback. At a later date, it was used for ranch hands to camp in if they stayed out fixing fences, etc. Discover extra details at 5 Star Texas Hunting Ranch.